Dr. Binyamin Katzoff
1999 – 2004 | Ph.D | Bar-Ilan University | Talmud |
1995-1998 | B.A. [summa cum laude] | Bar-Ilan University | Talmud and Computer Science |
Subject of Ph.D. Thesis:
"The Relationship Between Tosefta and Yerushalmi of Berachot". Advisor: Prof. Leib Moscovitz
Academic Positions
2016 | Senior lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor) in the Talmud & Rabbinic Literature Department in Bar Ilan University |
2011-2016 | Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) in the Talmud & Rabbinic Literature Department in Bar Ilan University |
2004-2011 |
Instructer in the Talmud & Rabbinic Literature Department in Bar Ilan University |
2004-2008 |
Instructer in the Jewish Studies Program in the Ashkelon Academic College |
Grants and Awards
2021 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ishmael b. Piabi Burnt Two: A New Text from the Geniza on a Pharisee-Sadducee Debate |
2020 |
Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, A Geniza Tosefta-Manuscript and Its Corrections |
2019-2021 |
Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Tosefta Nezikin: Critical Edition and Introduction, together with Prof. Adiel Schremer |
2019 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Tosefta Sanhedrin: Critical Edition and Introduction |
2019 | IHEL Foundaiton, Bar-Ilan University, Tosefta Sanhedrin: Critical Edition |
2018 | Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Tosefta International Workshop, together with Prof. Adiel Schremer |
2018 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Tosefta Avoda Zara: Critical Edition and Introduction |
2018 | IHEL Foundaiton, Bar-Ilan University, Tosefta Avoda Zara: Critical Edition |
2016 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, The Characterization of Mitzvot and Conception of Halakha in Rabbinic non-halakhic Literature |
2015-2017 | Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Tosefta Fragments from the Cairo Genizah and European Bookbindings and Their Place in the Tosefta's Textual Tradition, together with Prof. Adiel Schremer |
2015 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, The Speech Verbs אמר and ברך in Liturgical Contexts in Rabbinic Literature |
2014 | Kolatch Graduate Program in Talmudic and Rabbinic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Non-Halakhic Materials in Classical Rabbinic Halakhic Works |
2014 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Bookbindings of Tosefta from Norcia and their Place in the Textual Tradition |
2013 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Hire of Donkey and Camel: Reconstruction of the Sources of the Sugya |
2012 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, 'Four Cries Issued the Temple Courtyard': The Nature of a Genizah Tradition |
2011 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, The Rabbinic list of the Five Muad Tortfeasors |
2010 | Kolatch Graduate Program in Talmudic and Rabbinic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Nine at Once: A Study of the MSS of the Talmud and the Tradition of the Geonim and Tosefta |
2010 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, A Story in Three Contexts: The Redaction of a Toseftan Pericope |
2009 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, The Ascendancy of the House of Hillel and the Issue of Parallel Sources |
2008 | Barzilai Fund for Jewish Bibliographic Research, Information Science Department, Bar-Ilan University, Tosefta Geniza Fragments |
2008 | Kolatch Graduate Program in Talmudic and Rabbinic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, 'God of our Fathers': Rabbinic Liturgy and Jewish–Christian Engagement |
2007 | Beit Shalom Fund for Research in Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Nine at Once: A Study in the Mutability of Textual Traditions |
2005 | Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New-York, The Tosefta in Geonic Academies |
Other Academic Activities
2017- | Editor of SIDRA, A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature, Talmud & Rabbinic Literature Department, Bar Ilan University |
2019 | Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford, Michaelmas Term |
2010- | Member of the Israel Committee of the Jewish Law Association |
2005- | Membership in the World Union for Jewish Studies |
2006- | Membership in the Association for Jewish Studies, USA |
Tannaitic Sources, Tosefta, Geonic Literature
Course (Hebrew) |
02-499-74 |
The World of the Sages in Light of the Talmud and Midrash |
credits equal 2 Annual course hours |
Annual |
For general high school graduates |
List of publications
"Ishmael b. Piabi Burnt Two: A New Text from the Geniza on a Pharisee-Sadducee Debate", JQR (forthcoming)
"The Characterization of Mitzvot and Conception of Halakha in Rabbinic non-halakhic Literature", EJJS 15 (2021) (forthcoming)
"Chapter Divisions and the Interpretation and Transmission of the Tosefta", in Scribal Habits in Near Eastern Manuscript Traditions, edited by George A. Kiraz and Sabine Schmidtke, Piscataway 2020, pp. 89-112
"The Second-Hand Scribe: The Intellectual Environment of the Production of a Unique Tosefta Fragment from the Levant", in Scribal Habits in Near Eastern Manuscript Traditions, edited by George A. Kiraz and Sabine Schmidtke, Piscataway 2020, pp. 113-130
"Bookbindings of Tosefta from Norcia and their Place in the Textual Tradition", JSIJ 15 (2019), pp 1-17 (Hebrew)
"Chapters of the Tosefta: The Origin and Significance of the Differences in the Chapter Divisions", Alei Sefer 28 (2018), pp. 7-30 (Hebrew)
"Was There a Separate Transmission of Tosefta Tohorot? Evidence from Rishonim and from Fragments of the Cairo Geniza and 'European Geniza'", HUCA 88 (2017), pp. 29-54
"More to the Liturgical Formula 'God of our Fathers' in the Geonic Era", in Ve-hinneh Rivka Yotzet: Essays in Jewish Studies in Honor of Rivka Dagan, ed. I. Dagan, Jerusalem 2017, pp. 191-194 (Hebrew)
"The Speech Verbs אמר and ברך in Liturgical Contexts in Rabbinic Literature", Lešonenu 77 (2015), pp. 177-192 (Hebrew)
"'Four Cries Issued the Temple Courtyard': The Nature of a Genizah Tradition", Ginzei Qedem 11 (2015), pp. 99-118 (Hebrew)
"A Story in Three Contexts: The Redaction of a Toseftan Pericope", AJSR 38 (2014), pp. 109-127
"The Ascendancy of the House of Hillel and the Issue of Parallel Sources", Sidra 27-28 (2013), pp. 339-351 (Hebrew)
"The Rabbinic list of the Five Muad Tortfeasors", Shenaton Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri 27 (2013), pp. 175-199 (Hebrew)
"Blessings over Mitzvot in Eretz Israel and in Babylonia: Further to David Rosenthal, 'Tefillin Blessing in Eretz Israel and Babylonia'", Tarbiz 79 (2010), pp. 385-387 (Hebrew)
"'God of our Fathers': Rabbinic Liturgy and Jewish–Christian Engagement", JQR 99 (2009), pp. 303-322
"Nine at Once: A Study in the Mutability of Textual Tradition", HUCA 80 (2009) pp. 39-62
"Did Rav Natronai Gaon Use the Tosefta in his Responsa", Alei Sefer 20 (2008), pp. 17-27 (Hebrew)
"The Tannaitic Sources in 'Halachot Psukot'", Shenaton Ha-Mishpat Ha-Ivri 25 (2008), pp. 199-216 (Hebrew)
"The Relationship Between the Baraitot in the Tosefta and Their Talmudic Parallels: the Evidence of Tractate Berachot", HUCA 75 (2004), pp. 1-24 (Hebrew)
Organization of Conferences:
14.3.21 | The third Inter-University Graduate Student Conference in Talmud and Halakhah, virtual, together with Prof. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal |
27-28.5.19 | Tosefta New Perspectives International Workshop, Bar Ilan University, together with Prof. Adiel Schremer |
11.4.19 | The second Inter-University Graduate Student Conference in Talmud and Halakhah, Ben Gurion University, together with Dr. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal |
Conferences and Academic Presentations
13.1.21 | #DHJewish – Jewish Studies in the Digital Age, University of Luxembourg (virtual) | “Uncovering a Cross-Generation Social Network of Jewish Scholars and their Learnings in the Responsa Literature” [Together with Nati Ben Gigi, Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet and Jonathan Schler] |
17.12.20 | 52nd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, virtual | “‘They Ordered to Spill the Ashes’: A New Version of a Pharisee-Sadducee Debate” |
30.11.20 | Rabbinic Literature Seminar, Leo Baeck College, London (virtual) | “Tosefta: Text and Context” |
16.1.20 | HaMeir LaAretz: A Conference on Jewish Society and Culture, Bar Ilan University | “Ishmael b. Piabi Burnt Two: A New Text from the Geniza on a Pharisee-Sadducee Debate” |
19.11.19 |
Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period Seminar, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford | “The Tosefta in the Cairo Geniza and European Bookbindings” |
7.11.19 |
The David Patterson lecture series at the Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford | “The ‘Eighteen Benedictions’: Traditions from Babylonia and the Land of Israel” |
27.5.19 | Tosefta: New Perspectives International Workshop, Bar Ilan University | “The Contribution of Some Genizah and Bookbinding Fragments to the Textual Tradition of the Tosefta” |
10.5.19 |
Scribal Habits in Middle Eastern Manuscripts Workshop, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton | "The Second-Hand Scribe: A Unique Tosefta Fragment from the Levant, Its Intellectual Environment, and Its Influence" |
18.7.18 | The XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Krakow | "Confluence of Traditions in the Levant: A Geniza Tosefta-Manuscript and Its Corrections" |
28.6.18 | Dots, Marginalia and Peritexts in Middle Eastern Manuscripts Workshop, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton | "Chapter Divisions and the Interpretation and Transmission of the Tosefta" |
8.8.2017 | 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "The Origin and Significance of the Differences in the Chapter Divisions of the Tosefta" |
31.7.2013 | 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "The Hire of Donkeys and Camels: Reconstruction of the Sources of the Sugya" |
18.12.2012 | 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Chicago | “What Did They Study?: On the Talmudic Curriculum in the Geonic Period” |
21.12.2010 |
42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston | "New Texts on Old Traditions: The "European Geniza" and the Transmission of the Tosefta" |
22.6.2010 | 16th International Conference of the Jewish Law Association, Netanya Academic College | "'Forewarned' Damages in Tannaitic Law" |
20.12.2009 | 41st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Los Angeles | "A Story in Three Contexts: On the Relation of Halakhic and Non-halakhic Material in the Redaction of Rabbinic Works" |
5.8.2009 | 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "Nine at Once: A Study of the MSS of the Talmud and the Tradition of the Geonim and Tosefta" |
21.12.2008 | 40th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Washington | "Reciting the Shema: Redactional History and the Ascendancy of the House of Hillel" |
18.12.2006 | 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, San Diego | "'God of our Fathers': An Investigation into Rabbinic Liturgy" |
31.7.2005 | 14th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "The Toseftas Text-Tradition in Relation to the Baraitot in the Talmudim: A New Analysis of Tractate Berachot" |
Last Updated Date : 12/11/2023