Dr. Amit Dagan
Biblical Period, Archeology of the ancient Near east; Daily life in Antiquity; Ancient Religion and Rituals; Digital Humanities
Dr. Amit Dagan is a senior lecturer and archaeologist specializing in the Bronze and Iron Ages. He is the Tell Qana archaeological project and laboratory's director on behalf of the Archaeological Institute of the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archeology at Bar-Ilan University. His archaeological activity and research deal with daily life in Antiquity, worship, material culture, Antiquity, the civilizations of the Aegean world and Asia Minor, gender in archaeology, and ethnic markers in the Land of Israel during the Bronze Age - Persian. The research laboratory he heads advocates a holistic research vision that combines different fields of knowledge and digital techniques (such as 3D, VR, and AR). The laboratory also emphasizes the importance of education and the community's involvement in academic research ("civic science"). In the past two years, several programs have been held in his laboratory within the framework of "civic science":
"Shilovim" project - integration of a population on the autistic spectrum as research assistants in conjunction with "Bakehila" non-profit organization – integrating people with autism in society
Therapeutic Pottery Restoration - a program that combines pottery restoration and emotional therapy. This program is developed in collaboration with Dr. Ayelet Org from the Department of Social Work.
Archeology, Ancient Near East, Aegean World, Biblical Period, Bronze Age, Persian Period, Philistines, Edom and Edomite, Ancient Ritual, Material Culture, Archeology and Zionism, Biblical Stories and Their Reflection on Archaeological Finds, Daily Life in Antiquity, Experimental Archeology, Ancient Texts, Education.
List of publications
Articles and Chapters in Books
2012 - "Community-Based Archaeology: A View from Tel Burna." Shai, I. Dagan, A. Cassuto, D. Uziel, J. The Ethos of Academia: Standing the Test of Time. Ariel University. Pp 205-215.
20141 - "The Entanglement of Aegean Style Ritual Actions in Philistine Culture". Hitchcock, A. L., Maeir, M. A. and Dagan. A.
2016 - "Entangling Aegean Ritual in Philistine Culture." In E. Alram-Stern, F. Blakolmer, S. Deger-Jalkotzy, R. Laffineur and J. Weilhartner. (eds.). Hitchcock, A. L., Maeir, M. A. and Dagan. A. Metaphysis: Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age, eds. Aegaeum 39: 519-26. Liège. Universitë de Liège. Pp. 519-26.
2018 - "Surveying the Survey: A Contemporary View on Past Results". Dagan, A. and Uziel, J. In Shai, I., Dagan, A., Hitchcock, A., Chadwick, J. R. and Uziel, J.(eds.). “Tell it in Gath: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Israel. Essays in Honor of A. M. Maeir on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday”, Ugarit-Verlag in the series Ägypten Und Altes Testament (ÄAT).
2018 - “The Limits of The Ancient City”: The Fortifications of Tell Es-Safi/Gath 115 Years after Bliss and Macalister. Eric Welch, E., Chadwick, R. J., Itzhaq Shai, Jill Citron Katz, Haskel J. Greenfield, Amit Dagan, Aren Maeir. In. David Gurevich, D. and Kidron, A. (Eds.). Exploring the Holy Land: 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Equinox Publishing Ltd.
2019 - "Early Iron Production at Philistine Tell es-Safi/Gath vs. Israelite Megiddo: A Proposed Comparative Study". Eliyahu Behar, A., Workman, A., and Dagan, A. In Berlejung, A. and Maeir, M. A. (eds.). Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Times. Vol 1. Oriental Religions in Antiquity. Mohr Siebeck Tübingen. Pp. 251- 262
2019. “The Late Bronze Age at Tell es-Safi/Gath and the site’s role in Southwestern Canaan”. Aren M. Maeir, Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Amit Dagan, Louise A. Hitchcock, Jill Katz, Itzhaq Shai, and Joe Uziel. in Maeir, Aren M. Shai, Itzhaq, McKinny, Chris (Eds.) The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Southern Canaan. Archaeology of the Biblical Worlds 2: 1-18
202 – “Ḥorvat Shimon: An Eighth Century BCE Site in the Periphery of Tell es-Safi/Gath." Amit Dagan and Aren Maeir. In Maeir, A. M. and Uziel, J. (Eds.). Tell es – Safi/Gath II. Ägypten und Altes Testament. Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden.Pp. 55-103
Articles in periodicals
2011 - "Negebite Pottery beyond the Negev". Dagan, A. Tel Aviv 38: 208-219
2012 - “The Fortifications at Tel Burna: Date, Function, and Meaning". Itzhaq. S, Deborah. C, Amit. D, and Joe. U. Israel Exploration Journal 62/2: 1-157.
2013 - "Explorations of Tel Burna". McKinny, C. and Dagan, A. PEQ 145:4: 294-305
2014 - “A Private Stamped Seal Handle from Tel Burna, Israel”. I. Shai, A. Dagan, S. Riehl, A. Orendi, J. Uziel and M. Suriano. ZDPV 130: 121-138.
2015 -"ראשית המחקר הארכיאולוגי וההיסטורי של תל בורנה ." דגן, ע. ומקיני, כ. מורשת ישראל 12: 11- 29.
2016 - “Ḥorvat Shimon: A Small-Scale Workshop for textile processing in the Central Coastal Plains from the 8th Century BCE”. Dagan, A, and Cassuto, D. IEJ 66: 34- 54.
2018 - “Excavations in Area D of the Lower City: Philistine Cultic Remains and Other Finds”. Dagan, A., Enukhina, M., and Maeir. M. A. Near Eastern Archaeology 81.1:27- 29.
2018 - “Iron Age Animal Husbandry at Tell es- Sâfi/Gath: Notes on the Fauna from Area D”. Kehati, R., Dagan, A., and Kolska H. L. Near Eastern Archaeology 81.1: 40- 43. B
2018 - “Women in Distress: Victims of the Iron Age Destruction at Tell es- Sâfi/Gath”. Marina Faerman, M., Maeir, M. A., Dagan, A., and Smith. P.. Near Eastern Archaeology 81.1: 36-9.
2020 - "An Iron IIA Iron and Bronze Workshop in the Lower City of Tell es-Safi/Gath". Workman, V., Maeir, M. A., Dagan, A., Regev, J. Boaretto, E., and Eliyahu-Behar, A. Tel Aviv 47: 206-233
In press - "Two Iron Age Alphabetic Inscriptions from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel". Esther Eshel, Tania Notarius, Amit Dagan, Maria Eniukhina, Vanessa Workman. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
Chapters in books
2021 - "Ḥorvat Shimon: An Eight Century BCE Site in the Periphery of Tell es-Safi/Gath." Amit Dagan and Aren Maeir. In Maeir, A. M. and Uziel, J. (Eds.). Tell es – Safi/Gath II. Ägypten und Altes Testament. Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden.
Academic Editing
2018 Tell it in Gath : studies in the history and archaeology of Israel : essays in honor of Aren M. Maeir on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday / edited by Itzhaq Shai, Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Louise Hitchcock, Amit Dagan, Chris McKinny, and Joe Uziel. Münster: Zaphon, 2019.
Last Updated Date : 10/03/2024