Dr. Raphael Shuchat
Rabbi Dr. Raphael Shuchat has a BA in Psychology and an Ma in Jewish Thought from the Hebrew University. His PhD was finished at Bar Ilan University in 1998 on the topic of: The Theory of redemption in the Writings of the Vilna Gaon under the mentorship of Prof. Tamar Ross and Prof. Moshe Idel. The Thesis won the Minister of education’s prize in December 1997. He is ordained by the chief Rabbinate of Israel and has as well a teaching diploma. He is a senior faculty member at the school for basic Judaism in Bar Ilan and has been there for 30 years. His research has been mainly on 18th and 19th century Kabbalah in Eastern Europe, especially among the writings of the Vilna Gaon and his students as well as the ideological and philosophical interface between the methodic and the Hasidisic thinkers. He has written as well on the interface between Judaism and science. He teaches as students wishing to convert in Tel Aviv and is the head of the NGO Ner L’Elisheva which works to enrich the Jewish Identity of new olim in Israel.
Kabbalah: Hassidism: Mithnagdim: Yeshivot in Lithuania; The Vilna Gaon; Eastern Eropean Jewry; Volozhin; Lurianic Kabbalah; Torah and Science; Evolution and Judaism; Rabbis of Lithuania and Poland; Early Zionism and aliyah; Redemption; Messianism.
Course (Hebrew) |
03-036-02 | Jewish thought after the Holocaust | Fall Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-036-03 | Jewish thought after the Holocaust | Spring Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-148-01 | R. Nahman of Breslov's Stories and Thought | Fall Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-148-02 | R. Nahman of Breslov's Stories and Thought | Spring Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-149-01 | Jewish Identity in the twenty first century | Annual | credits equal 2 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-509-01 | Intro to Jewish Mysticism (part A) | Fall Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-509-02 | Intro to Jewish Mysticism (part A) | Spring Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | |
Course (Hebrew) |
03-510-01 | Intro to Jewish Mysticism (part B) | Spring Semester | credits equal 1 course annual hours | ZOOM |
List of publications
1.Hagra Ubeit Midrasho- Hallamish, Rivlin and Shuchat ed., Bar-Ilan 2003
2.Olam Nistar Bemeimadei Hazman Torat Hageulashel Hagra Me-Vilna– Bar-Ilan , May 2008.
Jewish Faith in a Changing World: A Modern introduction to Classical Jewish Philosophy – Academic Studies Press, Boston (January 2012)
Kabbalat Lita: Me-Hagra ve'ad Rav Kook, R. Shuchat and M. Hallamish Ed,. July 2015 (Daat Journal of Bar-Ilan Vol. 79-80)
Credinta Evreiasca Intr-o Luma Moderna, HASEFER Publishers , Bucharest. May 2016
Conversations with Rav Hayyim of Volozhin, Hebrew edition to be published by Idra Publishers (Ramat Gan) 2020
1985- “Dating the Book of Daniel”, Dor le-Dor xiii, 2, Jewish Bible Society.
1996-”The Vilna Gaon and Secular Studies”- Badad 2, Bar-Ilan Univ.(Hebrew)
1997- “The Vilna Gaon’s Relationship to Pilpul”, Shana Beshana, Jerusalem.(Hebrew)
1998- “The Vilna Gaon’s Commentary to Mishnat Chasidim”, Kabbalah Journal, 3, Cherub Press
1998- “The Vilna Gaon’s Theory of Historiosophy and Luzzato’s Influence on His Writings”, Da’at- Journal of Philosophy and Kabbalah 40, Bar-Ilan Univ.(Hebrew)
1998-“The Land of Israel in the Writings of the Vilna Gaon”, ha-Maayan, 38,4. (heb)
1999 - “The Debate Over Secular Studies Among the Disciples of the Vilna Gaon”, The Torah U’Mada Journal, Vol. 8 Yeshiva University, New York.
Dec. 2001 – “On Researching of the Vilna Gaon’s Writing”, Badad 11, Bar-Ilan U. (h)
Apr. 2002 – “The Use of Symbolism and Hidden Messages in the Book of Ruth”’ The Jewish Bible Quarterly, xxx: 2.
2002- “The Faith of Abraham in the Study Hall of the Gr’a: Rationalism vs. Revelation”, in The Faith of Abraham, Bar-Ilan U. . Editors - M. Hallamish, H. Kasher and Y. Silman (Hebrew)
2002 - “The Midrash As Rabbinic Thought”, Introduction to W. Shuchat’s, The Creation According To Midrash Rabbah, Devorah Publishing House, New-York- Jerusalem
2003 – “Messianic and Mystical Elements in the Study of Torah in the Writings of the Vilna Gaon” - Ha’Gra U’Beit Midrasho - M. Hallamish, J. Rivlin and R. Shuchat ed. Bar-Ilan U.
Jan. 2003 – “Perush R. Yaakov Moshe meSlonim Nehed haGra leShir haShirim”, Daat 50
2004 – “Kabbalat Lita KeZerem Azmai BaKabbalah”, Kabbalah Journal 8, Elkayam and Abrams.
2004 - “Reflections on the Popularity of Mysticism in the West Today: A General and Jewish Perspective”, Studia Hebraica 4 (University of Bucharest) (2004) pp. 332-340.
2005 - “Attitudes Towards Modern Cosmogony Among Rabbinic Thinkers in the 19th and Early 20th Century”, The Torah U’Madda Journal (vol. 13)
2006- - “The Midrash As Rabbinic Sod”, introduction to W. Shuchat’s, The Garden of Eden and the Struggle to Be Human According to the Midrash Rabbah, Devorah Publishers, NY- Jerusalem
2006 - Studia Hebraica 5 (2005) Bucharest "The Maturation of Jewish Monotheistic Theology".
2007 – “Kavim Makbilim Nifgashim: Halahkah ve-Kabbalah bemishnatam Shel heGra meVilna veRav Hayyim meVolozhin”, proceedings of the Conference on the Zohar in Tel Aviv U. (Teudah 21-22 (2007)
2008 - “Is there a Mitzva to Believe in God? A Legal Discussion in the Middle ages and Its Philosophical Implications”, Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia, Vol. 6, Jagellonian University, Cracow
2008 Jan.- “What is Jewish Philosophy – From Definitions to Historical Context” – Studia Hebraica 7 pp. 346-354, Bucharest.
March. 2009 - “Jonah: The Rebellious Prophet” The Jewish Bible Quarterly 37;1
June 2009 - “Theology and the Place and Limits of Human Reason: A Discussion of Maimonides’ Thinking and a Comparison with the Zemah Zedek”,in Maimonides in Kabbalah, HaRambam BeNivkhei Hasod, Elqayam and Schwartz ed. Ramat Gan pp. XXXVII-LV
2010 - Studia Hebraica 9/10 - “From Monologue to Dialogue: Between Jewish Thought and World Culture” pp. 33-39, Bucharest University.
2010 – “Dmuto shel hagra me-vilna al pi Rav Hayyim me-Volozhin – metziut o polemica” Daat 67
2010 “R. Isaac Halevi Herzog’s Attitude to Scientific Evolution” The Torah U’Madda Journal 15.
2010 – “Ha-He’eminu Hahmei Ha-Kabbalah Ki Ha-Olan Nivrah Be-Shisha Yamim?” BaDaD 22 pp. 75-95.
2010 –“Ha-Aktivism Ha-Meshihi Be-Veit Midrasho Shel Ha-Gra” – in Talmidei Ha-Gra Be-Eretz Israel Historia Hagut Realia – Rosensohn and Rivlin Ed. pp. 227-246.
2012 –“Lehavanat Sipurei Rabbi Nachman Mi-Breslav” (not yet in print)
2014 – “Judaism, Science and Science Education”, Chapter written jointly with Dr. Jeff Dodick, in The Springer Handbook of Historical and Philosophical Research in Science Education, Michael R. Matthews (ed.) Vol. 3, pp. 1721-1757.
2015-" Hagigim al Kabalat Lita me-Tokh Sugiyat Igulim ve-Yosher" – Kabbalat Lita. From the Vilna Gaon until Rabbi Kook (Daat 79-80) pp. 11 -32.
2015 – Mi-Ugulim ve-Yosher Ve-ad Torat HaKlal veha-Prat: Haguto shel Rav Yithak Kahana (Kabbalat Lita, Daat 79-80) pp. 119 – 135.
2015 – The Place of Manuscripts in the Research of the Vilna Gaon's Writings, Studia Judaica XXI pp. 76-94. (University of Kluj)
2016 – A Litvak in Montreal: The Thought of Rabbi Leib Baron (Tradition 49;1)
2016 – "Hagra MiVilna,Talmidav Ve-Heker Ha-Meshihiyut –Teshuva Le-Professor Etkes" (Zion 81,1)
2017 – Ha-zimzum Ki-Pshuto: Iyun BeMishnatam shel Rav Emanuel Hai Rikki VeRav Shlomo Eliashoff. (Kabbalah Journal 37) pp 271 -302
2017 – "Midrashic Thinking and the Use of Symbolism", Introduction to W. Shuchat, Abraham and the Challenge of Faith According to Midrash Rabbah, Jerusalem 2017
2017 – "Mekomam shel Kitvei HaYad be-Heker Haguto she HaGra mi-Vilna" Mehkarei Yerushalayim be-Mahshevet Yisrael 25 pp. 129 -156.
2018 : Free Will and Divine Knowledge in Medieval Jewish Philosophy: Maimonides, Gersonides and R. Shlomo Ben Adrat, Politics of Identity, Annual of Political Science, 20, 1 (2018) University of Bucharest. pp. 47-71.
2018 – R. Hayyim Volozhin's Polemic with Hassidism, Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 16, 2018
2020 - Hagra ve-Hakabbalah: Behina me-Hudeshet shel Demuto Hahostorit. (Daat 91)
2020 - Rav Hayyim Mi-Volozhin ve-HaPulmus im HaHassidut" Moreshet Yisrael 18,2 pp. 269-298
14-16 Sept. | 2020 Conference commemorating 400 years since the passing of R. Hayyim Vital. The Dept' for Jewish Thought Ben Gurion University and Yad Ben Zvi | "Did R. Hayyim Vital Think that Lurianic Kabbalah was a Metaphor? A Discussion of the Vilna Gaon's Viewpoint" |
Jan. 9- 11 2020 | International Workshops on the Vilna Gaon's Heritage, Commemorating 300 Years since his birth, Jewish Heritage Dep't, Ariel University and Israel Science Foundation | "Was R. Hayyim Volozhin's Portrayal of the Gaon Historically True" |
January 6th 2020 | International Conference Commemoration 300 years since the birth of the Vilna Gaon- Jewish Philsophy Dep't, Bar Ilan University and Dahan Center (Organizer and speaker) |
The Use of the Gaon's manuscripts in Understanding his Thought |
May 2019 | Conference in Jewish Concepts of Thought, Philosophy Dep't and Jewish Studies, St. Petersburg University |
"From Rational to Metaphysical: Torah Study in the Thinking of R. Hayyim Volozhin." |
July 2018 | European Association of Jewish Studies | "R. Hayyim Volozhon's Ideological Polemic with Hassidism" |
Aug.2017 | World Union of Jewish Studies Conference, HU Jerusalem |
The Vilna Gaon and Kabbalah- Reconstructing the Image |
January 2017 | SEFER conference in Moscow | "The Vilna Gaon and Kabbalah- Reconstructing the Image" |
Feb. 2016 | Lecture, Revel School, YU | "Did the Kabbalists believe that the Universe was Created in Six Days" |
March 2015 | Conference: Statele France din Levant, Bucharest University and the Greek Cultural Center |
"The First Crusade in the Writings of Rabbi Solomon Ben Isaac" |
Feb 2015 |
Bernard Revel School lecture, YU |
"Image of the Vilna Gaon - Halakhist, Mystic or Moderate Maskil" |
June 19th 2012 | organized conference with Mussaioff Center at Bar-Ilan on Lithuanian Kabbalah | |
Dec. 2011 | Dahan Center conference on Maimonides (Ashdod) | |
June 2010 | Conference of Jewish Philosophy dep’ts in Israel at Ben Gurion University |
“A Methodology to Understand Rabbi Nachman’s Stories” |
Mar 8, 2010 | The second conference on Modern Spritualism,Haifa University |
“On the Popularity of Mysticism and Kabbalah Today in the West and in Israel" |
June 26-27 2008 | "Jewish Culture: Between Local and universal" Goren Goldstein Center Bucharest University |
"From Monologue to Dialogue: Between Jewish Thought and World Culture" |
Jan. 2008 | Helped Organize and lectured. 200 years since the Aliyah of the Vilna Gaon’s Students - The Jewish History Dep’t Bar -Ilan University | “Building the Temple in the Writings of the Students of the Vilna Gaon” |
2005 | Lectured at the 14th congress of Jewish studies at Hebrew University |
“Rabbinic Attitudes to Scientific Evolution in the 19th Century” |
2003 | Lectured at Goren-Goldstien Center at Bucharest University for MA students | “Rabbinic Attitudes to Evolution and Cosmology in the 19th Century”, and “Messianic Activism in the Early 19th Century”. |
2003 | Lectured at the Conference for Jewish Philosophy , Ben Gurion University |
“Lithuanian Kabbalah as a Separate Trend in Kabbalah” |
2001 | Lectured at the 13th Congress for Jewish Studies, Hebrew University |
“The Vilna Gaon According to R. Hayyim Volozhin- Reality or Polemic” |
1998 | Conference on the Faith of Abraham: The Dep’t of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan |
“The Faith of Abraham in the Study Hall of the Vilna Gaon”. |
1998 | Organized and lectured at the Conference Commemorating the 200th Year after the passing of the Vilna Gaon. Dep’t of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan | |
1997 | Conference commemorating 250 years since the birth of R. Moses Hayyim Luzzatto |
“The Theory of Historiosophy in the Writings of Ramchal and the Vilna Gaon” |
1997 | Conference commemorating 250 years since the birth of R. Moses Hayyim Luzzatto |
“The Theory of Historiosophy in the Writings of Ramchal and the Vilna Gaon” |
1997 | The 12th Congress for Jewish Studies - Hebrew University | “The Vilna Gaon - Reactionary or Revolutionary” |
Last Updated Date : 06/03/2024