Dr. Avraham Gottlieb
Jewish sciences (Bible, Talmud and history of the nation of Israel) in the light of behavioral sciences: 'Jewish identity: leadership and leaders'; 'Torah and science: worlds meet'; and 'Sages: 'The search for happiness' and 'between man and his fellow'.
Dr. Avraham Gottlieb holds a bachelor's degree in the Bible and Talmud and a master's degree in the Bible from Bar-Ilan University, and a third degree in 'Judaism, Thought and Behavior' with high distinction, from the Open University of California. His doctoral thesis,'Leadership Fundamentals in 'Parshat HaShavu and It's Haftara' (2000),was written under the guidance of Dr. Jacob Kuperman. Afte that (2003), he did a post-doctorate in the field of thought and education at the 'Yosef Karlibach Institute for Contemporary Thought and Education' at Bar Ilan University. He has been teaching at the school for basic studies in Judaism since 2002.
Dr. Gottlieb's main areas of research and teaching are a multidisciplinary study of topics and ideas in the Bible according to the Sages in the Contemporary Jewish thought according to the behavioral sciences, in the field of meeting 'Torah and Science'.As reflected in his articles and in his book: 'Parsha and Haftra' - a study of the basics of leadership (published in Hebrew), and especially in his study: "Maintaining Health for Rambam as an Existential Teaching", in the book 'Olamot Nifgashim' -'Worlds Meet: The Sciences in the Jewish World',that he edited (published in Hebrew, pp. 102-126 and appearing on the 'Daat' website: http://www.daat.ac.il/daat /vl/olamot/olamot01.pdf).
In addition, recently, following his study 'JOIE DE VIVRE* AND THE APPRECIATION OF GOODNESS AS A WAY OF LIFE' that appears on the "Academia" website, he is engaged in "exploring the basic concepts in Judaism and the motifs of the Israeli holidays as a 'therapeutic tool for the soul' and applies this in his lectures and research, as a practical-contemporary message: 'Judaism as a culture - here and now'.
Jewish sciences (Bible, Talmud and history of the nation of Israel) in the light of behavioral sciences: 'Jewish identity: leadership and leaders'; 'Torah and science: worlds meet'; and 'Sages: 'The search for happiness' and 'between man and his fellow'.
Last Updated Date : 23/06/2024