Dr. Ayelet Seidler
Medieval Jewish exegesis, Biblical narrative, Psalms
Dr. Ayelet Seidler holds a B.A. in Bible studies and computers, a M.A. in Jewish philosophy and a Ph.D in Bible studies from Bar- Ilan University. Her doctoral dissertation "The Interpretive Way of Rabbi David Kimchi" under supervision of Prof. Amos Frisch and Prof. Yeshayahu Maori, deals with the interpretation of Medieval commentator , whose interpretation expresses the tension between the Peshat (plain meaning of the text) and the interpretation of the Midrash, which is in fact, the tension between the interpreter's intelligence and his commitment to the tradition he receives from the sages. In her lectures, Dr. Seidler refers to different ways of interpretation and combines them.
Dr. Seidler has been teaching at the School for Basic Jewish Studies since 2004. In recent years, Dr. Seidler has been teaching part-time and the rest of the time she is a supervisor at the Ministry of Education for the teaching of the Bible in the state religious scholls.
Dr. Seidler's areas of research and teaching are biblical interpretation, the biblical narrative and biblical poetry, and in these areas, she has published various articles.
Medieval Jewish exegesis, Biblical narrative, Psalms
Major Research Findings
Ibn- Ezra's approach to literary devices in biblical poetry
literary reading in biblical law as a tool for understanding the meaning of the law
The connections between Esther and Jonah
Future Goals
Identification and definition of the characteristics of the "subtype" of lamentations that include a broad introduction of thanksgiving.
List of publications
Articles in Periodicals (refereed articles)
'Scriptural Juxtaposition of Commandments in the Bible Commentary of Abraham Ibn Ezra', Shnaton – An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies XVII (2007), pp. 253-277 (Heb.).
'Deviation from the Emphatic Role of Doubling ('HaKefel Lechazek') in Radak's Bible Commentary', Tarbiz LXXVII,3-4 (2008), pp. 555-571 (Heb.).
'Trust, Fear and Hope in Psalm 27', Bet Mikra 56,1 (2011), pp. 100-125 (Heb.).
'The Inner Life of Biblical Protagonists in Radak's Commentary', Bet Mikra 57,1 )2012), pp. 86-106 (Heb.).
Book Reviews in Refereed Journals
'R. David Kimhi between Tradition and Modernity' [on: Grunhaus Naomi, The challenge of received tradition: dilemmas of interpretation in Radak's biblical commentaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 258 p.], Shnaton – An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 24 (2016), pp. 341-348.
Articles and Chapters in Books
'Radak on Exposition in Biblical narrative', in: ZER RIMONIM Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis Presented to Professor Rimon Kasher, Edited by Michael, Avioz Elie Assis, Yael Shemesh, Atlanta, 2013.
Articles in Periodicals (refereed articles)
'Exegete and Grammarian – Radak's Approach to the Singular Plural Discrepancy in Scripture', HUCA 84 -85 (2013-2014), pp. 137-158 (Heb.).
'Literary Devices in the Psalms – The Commentary of Ibn- Ezra Revisited', JSQ 22,4 (2015), pp. 377- 402.
'Jewish Identity on Trial: The Case of Mordecai the Jew', JHS (2017) 26 pp.
'Poet and Exegete – Literary Aspects in Rabbi Avraham Ibn-Ezra's Commentary on Psalms', Megadim 57 (2018) (Heb.).
'The Law of Levirate and Forced Marriage –Widow vs. Levir in Deut. 25.5-10', JSOT 42.4 (2108), pp. 435-456.
Articles in Periodicals
' "Fasting," "Sackcloth," and "Ashes" - From Nineveh to Shushan',accepted to VT 11.11.17.
Participation in National and International Scientific Conferences
30.7-3.8.18 | SBL - EABS Conference,Helsinki, Finland | “For He Had Told Them …”: Mordechai the Jew and Jonah the Hebrew; Conflict and Identity' |
June 25-27, 2018 | NAPH - Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture,The University of Amsterdam | "Biblical Poetry and Spanish medieval Poetry in Ibn-Ezra's Biblical Commentary " |
6-10.8.17 | The Seventeenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "Fasting,” “Sackcloth,” and “Ashes” – From Nineveh to Shushan |
17 – 20.7.16 | 2016 EABS Conference, Leuven Belgium | "The law of levirate marriage in Deuteronomy (25:5-10) and its relation to the story of Judah and Tamar (Gen. 38)" |
12 – 15.7.15 | 2015 EABS Conference, Cordoba, Spain | " Jewish Identity on Trail – The case of Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther" |
20-24 July 2014 | Xth Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies, Paris | "Biblical Psalms in the Light of Medieval Spanish Poetry – The case of Avraham Ibn Ezra" |
28.7 – 1.8.13 | The Sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "Ibn Ezra's Approach towards Linguistic Similarities in Psalms and Prophecy" |
10.7.13 | SBL International Meeting,University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews Scotland | "Rashbam's and Radak's Approach Towrds Midrash: A Comparative Study" |
13-15 February 2012 | International Conference in Jewish Studies on Provence Jewry,Aix-en-Provence | "Radak's approach towards "number adjustment" (singular-plural discrepancy)" |
22-24 May 2011 | International Conference,Haifa University | " Radak's method in shaping biblical characters, The diversity of Jewish biblical exegesis in the Middle Ages" |
18-19 January 2010 |
International Conference The Aggada and its interpretation,Bar-Ilan |
"Rashbam and Radak on Midrash Aggada in Genesis" |
2-6 August 2009 | The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem | "The exposition and its role among the Peshat commentators in North France and Provence" |
13 May 2008 | International Conference, Ariel University Center of Samaria | "Verbal relations and their meaning in Psalm 27, Wisdom of Life & Life Poetry – The Convention of Biblical Passages" |
Last Updated Date : 04/12/2023