Dr. Dror Ehrlich
medieval Jewish thought and topics in philosophy of religion and moral philosophy, with a special emphasis on the character and thought of Maimonides
Dr. Dror Ehrlich holds a B.A in philosophy (extended) and a Ph.D in Jewish philosophy. His doctoral dissertation, "Philosophy and the Art of Writing in R. Joseph Albo’s Book of Roots" (Bar-Ilan University, 2004), was written under the supervision of Prof. Dov Schwartz. He has been teaching at the School for Basic Jewish Studies since 2003.
Dr. Ehrlich's main fields of research and teaching are medieval Jewish thought and topics in philosophy of religion and moral philosophy, with a special emphasis on the character and thought of Maimonides. His recent articles dealt with the concept of hell in Jewish thought, and his latest book is Maimonides on the Foundations of Jewish Faith.
In addition, since 2015, Dr. Ehrlich has been studying and practicing mindfulness and Vipassana. He is a graduate of the MBSR teacher training program at the Muda Institute for Mindfulness, Science and Society (Reichman University, 2020), and combines Jewish religion and culture with the thought and practice of the Dharma and other spiritual traditions. Dr. Ehrlich edited and wrote the Facebook page "Mindfulness and Judaism", and these combinations are also reflected in his academic lectures.
Medieval Jewish thought,Philosophy of religion
List of refered Publications
Books (as author)
Haguto shel R. Yosef Albo: ktivah ezoterit beshilhey yemey habeinayim (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009) (HEB).
HaRambam al yesodot haemunah hayehudit (Resling: Tel-Aviv 2019) (HEB).
Articles and Chapters in Books
"Simha Bunem Urbach: megamato hahinuchit shel hasefer 'amudey hamahshavah hayisreelit'", D. Schwartz (ed.), Universitat Bar-Ilan: meraayon lemaas, vol. 2 (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2006), pp. 119–127 (HEB).
"Het, tshuvah ukfirah besefer haikarim le-R. Yosef Albo", D. Schwartz and A. Gross (eds.), Al hatshuvah veal hageulah: minhat shay le-Binyamin Gross (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2008), pp. 55–80 (HEB).
"Yulius Guttmann veheker haguto shel R. Yosef Albo", B. J. Schwartz, A. Melamed and A. Shemesh (eds.), Iggud: mivhar maamarim bemadey hayahadut, vol.1 (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 2008), pp. 369–379 (HEB).
"Perusho shel R. Yosef Albo lehet moshe bemey merivah", M. Hallamish, H. Kasher and H. Ben-Pazi (eds.), Moshe avi haneviim: dmuto birei hehagut ledoroteha (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2010), pp. 115–126 (HEB).
"Al hashmatat musag hagehenom mi'mishneh torah' la-Rambam", A. Elqayam and H. Pedaya (eds.), Halamish lemaayno mayim: mehkarim bekabalah, halachah, minhag vehagut mugashim li-Prof. Moshe Hallamish (Jerusalem: Carmel, 2016), pp. 234–255 (HEB).
"Hatsdakah toaltanit lenitshiyut shel onesh hagehenom uvituyeha behagut hayehudit biyemey habeinayim", A. Elqayam and A. Malachi (eds.), Minhah le-Hannah: sefer hayovel lichvod Hannah Kasher, (Tel-Aviv: IDRA, 2018), pp. 467–480 (HEB).
Articles in periodicals
"Ahavat hael uktivah ezoterit besefer haikarim le-R. Yosef Albo", Daat, 53 (2004), pp. 63–82 (HEB).
"A Reassessment of Natural Law in Rabbi Joseph Albo's Book of Principles", Hebraic Political Studies, 1 (2006), pp. 413–439.
"Hadualiyut kemeafyen signoni shel hadiyun batfilah besefer haikarim le-R. Yosef Albo", Kenishta, 3 (2007), pp. 21–39 (HEB).
"Beur lesefer milot hahigayon la-Rambam hameyuhas le-R. Yosef Albo", Daat, 60 (2007), pp. 103–112 (HEB).
"R. Joseph Albo's Discussion of the Proofs for the Existence of God", The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 15, 2 (2007), pp. 1–37.
"Beayat hara besefer haikarim le-R. Yosef Albo", Pe'amim, 116 (2008), pp. 117–146 (HEB).
"Hidden Apocalyptic Messianism in Late Medieval Jewish Thought", Review of Rabbinic Judaism, 12 (2009), pp. 75–88.
"Lehashpaato shel 'haemunah haramah' le-R. Avraham Ibn Daud al 'sefer haikarim' le-R. Yosef Albo", Alei Sefer, 21 (2010), pp. 35–46 (HEB).
"Lebeayat maamado shel raayon hagmul betorat haikarim shel R. Hasdai Crescas", Daat, 68–69 (2010), pp. 3–13 (HEB).
"Some Further Reflections Regarding the Talbott–Crisp Debate on the Augustinian Concept of Everlasting Punishment", Religious Studies, 47 (2011), pp. 23–40.
"Teoriot hatsdakat haonesh bitfisat hagehenom behaguto shel Rav Saadia Gaon", Tarbiz, 79 (2010/2011), pp. 249–262 (HEB).
"Does R. Joseph Albo Succeed in Proving the Dogmatic Necessity of Divine Retribution?", Jewish Studies Quarterly, 18 (2011), pp. 277–289.
"Hadimui haaristoteli shel einey haatalef kehipertext etsel Rihal, Ibn Daud, Hilel mi-Verona and Albo", Daat, 74–75 (2013), pp. 357–374 (HEB).
"Teoriyat haanishah hagmulanit badiyunim al hagehenom bemahshevet Hazal", Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal, 13 (2014), pp. 1–20 (HEB).
"Ekron hamaamad badiyunim al nitshiyut onesh hagehenom etsel haRan, Rahak ve-Albo", Daat, 83 (2017), pp. 69–84 (HEB).
"Daud al-Muqammiṣ al nitshiyut haonesh baolam haba", Daat, 85 (2018), pp. 63–76 (HEB).
"Lezehut hakvutsah hashniyah bemashal haarmon bemoreh nevochim", Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal 14 (2018), pp. 1–15 (HEB).
Encyclopedia entries
"Albo, Joseph", E. N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006 (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/albo-joseph/).
"Albo, Joseph", F. Skolnik and M. Berenbaum (eds.), Encyclopedia Judaica, second edition, vol. 1 (Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007), pp. 593–595.
"Gehinnom: Rabbinic and Medieval Judaism", Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, vol. 9, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014), pp. 1069–1076.
Papers presented at scientific confrences
"Perusho shel R. Yosef Albo leheto shel Moshe rabenu bemey merivah" |
Moshe haish adon haneviim: kenes huhugim lemahshevet Israel 5765, Bar-Ilan University |
7/3/2005 |
"Yulius Guttmann veheker haguto shel R. Yosef Albo" |
Hakongres haolami haarbaah asar lemadaey hayahadut,Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2/8/2005 |
"Dimui einey haatalef bametafizika le-Aristo vegilgulav behagut yemey habeynayim" |
Hakenes hashmini shel haaguda haisreelit lehistoria vefilosofia shel hamadaim, Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem |
16/3/2008 |
"Meshihiyut apokaliptit beshilhey yemey habeinayim" |
Kenes mamlahot hadimyon: fantasia umada bidyoni bifros haelef hashishi, Bar-Ilan University |
20/3/2008 |
"Dgamim shel tezat hehrehiyut hagmul haelohi bahagut hamonoteistit" |
Hakenes haahad asar shel agudat hafilosofia haisreelit hahadasha,Tel-Aviv University |
21/10/2008 |
"Sefer haemunah haramah kemakor filosofi nosaf shel sefer haikarim" |
Seminar mahlakti, mahshevet israel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
2/2009 |
"Maamado shel raayon hagmul haelohi behaguto shel R. Hasdai Crescas" |
Hakongres haolami hahamisha asar lemadaey hayahadut, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
5/8/2009 |
"Monoteizem ugvulot hayeda haenoshi bemishnat harambam" |
Kenes almaimar 2, Bar-Ilan University |
17/6/2010 |
"Haim yahol adam levatsea het einsofi behumrato?" |
Hakenes hahamisha asar shel agudat hafilosofia haisreelit hahadasha, Haifa University |
14/2/2012 |
"Hapulmus al tfisat hageheinom behaguto shel harambam" |
kenes huhugim lemahshevet Israel 5772, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
6/6/2012 |
"Hatsdakat onesh hageheinom bemahshevet hazal' |
Hakongres haolami hashisha asar lemadaey hayahadut, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
31/7/2013 |
"The Status Principle in Medieval Jewish and Christian Discussions of Hell" |
10th Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies,Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris |
21/7/2014 |
"Ribuy datiyuyot: William James pogesh et Howard Gardner" |
Hakenes hashmona asar shel agudat hafilosofia haisreelit hahadasha, The Open University of Israel, Raanana |
18/2/2015 |
"Horaat mahshevet Israel kehavaya shel mifgash vesiah" |
Lomdim yahadut bamea haesrim veahat: kenes beit hasefer lelimudey yesod beyahadut, Bar-Ilan University |
26/4/2015 |
"Lisheelat maamado hanevui shel Daniel bahagut hayehudit biyemey habeinayim" |
kenes huhugim lemahshevet Israel 5777, Bar-Ilan University |
30/1/2017 |
"Tfisat hegeheinom keiyun bahagut hayehudit: mahshevet hazel, harambam vemaharal miprag" |
Hakongres haolami hashiva asar lemadaey hayahadut, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
8/8/2017 |
"Hesevel haenoshi bidrashot habuddha uvemore nevochim" |
Hakenes hayehudi-asiati hashevi'i, Bar-Ilan University |
10/4/2019 |
Last Updated Date : 20/11/2023