Rabbi Dr. Haim Perlmutter
Mishnah, Ancient History, Early Rabbinic Judaism, Social History, Roman Palestine, Ancient Economy, Stratification
List of publications
Social Stratification of the Jewish Population in Roman Palestine in the Period of the Mishna 70-250 CE, Leiden: Brill 2020, (With B.Z. Rosenfeld).
Chapters in books
"Sadducee and Pharisee in "The Antagonists" by E. K. Gann" in: L. Maurice (ed.), Rewriting the Ancient World: Greece and Rome in Modern Popular Fiction, Leiden: Brill 2017, 221-254.
The Poor as a Stratum of Jewish Society in Roman Palestine 70 – 250 CE: An Analysis”, Historia 60.3 (2011), 273 – 300 (With B.Z. Rosenfeld).
“Landowners in Roman Palestine: A Distinct Social Group”, Journal of Ancient Judaism 2.3 (2012), 327 – 353 (With B.Z. Rosenfeld).
“Who is Rich? The Rich in Jewish Society of Roman Palestine 70-250 CE,” Journal of Ancient Judaism 6.2 (2015), 275-299, (With B.Z. Rosenfeld).
“The Social Context of Craftsman in Roman Palestine 70-250 CE”, Journal Asiatique 303.1 (2015), 87-100 (with B.Z. Rosenfeld).
“Contact and Interaction Between the City of Scythopolis and Galilean Jewry Through the Rural Area Surrounding Scythopolis in the 3-4th Centuries CE”, Aram 28 (2016), 17-26.
“Rabbinic Attitudes to Poverty and the Poor in the First Centuries CE”, Journal for the Study of Judaism, 47 (2016), 411-438 (With B.Z. Rosenfeld).
“Innovative Uses of the Jordan River in the First Centuries CE”, ARAM 29.2 (2017), 495-504.
“Rabbinic Attitudes to the Aramaic Language in the Tannaitic Period 1-400 CE’: Halakhic Perspectives”, Aram 31, 2019 (Forthcoming).
“Middle Groups in Jewish Roman Galilee and Jesus and his Disciples’ Social Location: New Insights”, The Bible and Interpretation, Online Journal, University of Arizona, June 2020, (With B.Z. Rosenfeld).
Publications: Books: Judaism, Non Academic
Tools for Tosafos, Targum – Feldheim 1996, 147 p.
Grow With Gemara, Targum - Feldheim 2005, 164 p.
Gemara Wisdom – Bava Metzia, Targum – Feldheim 2009, 166 p.
Last Updated Date : 17/04/2024