Dr. Eli Gorfinkel
Jewish philosophy in the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the Renaissance, focusing on the ways in which the Maimonides' thought was interpreted; Messianism - Messianic movements and the ways in which Messianism is perceived in different movements and traditions in the Jewish people; Ethics and Jewish Halakhah; Medical ethics and Judaism; Philosophy of Halakhah
Dr. Eli Gurfinkel holds a Bachelor’s degree in Bible Studies and Talmud, and a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Jewish Philosophy. He wrote his doctorate (2011) under the guidance of Prof. Dov Schwartz, dealing with the interpretation of the Guide for the Perplexed written by Rabbi David Messer Leon (RDML), a leader of Italian and Balkan Jewry in the 15th and 16th centuries. As part of his research, Dr. Gurfinkel reproduced manuscripts of Leon’s long commentary – “Ein HaKoreh”, mapped various methods of interpreting the Guide for the Perplexed by RDML and his contemporaries, and examined the ways in which Maimonides’s teachings were received and interpreted in their times and places. One of the fruits of his research is an additional text by RDML entitled “Sevah HaNasim” (The Praise of Women), which will soon be published for the first time. This composition teaches about the status of women in Italy, and joins the contemporary literary discourse regarding the place and function of women in the family and in the community.
Dr. Gurfinkel continues to work on Maimonides’s philosophy, its interpretation, and its acceptance during the Middle Ages and early modernity. He has so far published dozens of articles on these topics. He is also studying the foundations of Maimonidean belief and their acceptance, and one of his research areas is the history of Jewish messianism and philosophical concepts regarding messianism and resurrection. In 2018, his book “Two Essays on Resurrection: The Debate That Has Not Abated”.
In addition, Dr. Gurfinkel is interested in the philosophy of Jewish Law. Alongside his research on Jewish philosophies of the Middle Ages, he writes and lectures on ethics, Jewish law, and modern Jewish philosophy.
List of publications
Two Essays on Resurrection: The Debate That Has Not Abated (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2018) [Hebrew]
'Sevah HaNasim': The Ideal Women Figure, Jewish-Italian Literary Work from the Ottoman Empire, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi (forthcoming) [Hebrew]
Articles (refereed)
"The Three Principles of Jewish Thought According to the Maharal of Prague," JSIJ 18 (2020), pp. 1-18 (Heb.)
"The 'Right' Interpretation and Esoteric Methods in the Commentaries of Rabbi David Messer Leon to The Guide for the Perplexed', Jewish Thought 2 (2020), pp. 180-216 (Heb.)
"The Order and Structure of the List of the Maimonidean Principles: Between Form and Meaning," Jewish Studies (forthcoming) (Heb.)
"'Sha'arei Rachamim (Gates of Mercy): A Philosophic and Kabbalistic Commentary on Maimonides' Thirteen Principles of Faith," Kabbalah 46 (2020), pp. 209-285 (Heb.)
"'If he is injured in his body, he must suffer with his body' (Guide, III, 41): 'Ayin Tachat Ayin' (An Eye for an Eye) According to Maimonides," Dine Israel 33 (2019), pp. 55–107 (Heb.)
"The Angry God: 'you will not find the expressions "burning anger"... applied to God except in reference to idolatry'," Daat 89 (2020) (forthcoming)
"Was Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel plagiarist?", Hayetzera BeSfarad Behybet Rav Thumy, Eprahim Hazan (ed.), (forthcoming) (Heb.)
"Remnant of 14th Century (?) Commentary on the Maimonidean Thirteen Principles of Faith," Alei Sefer (forthcoming) (Heb.)
"The Maimonides Reasons for the forbidden to slaughter an animal and its young on the same day ('Oto Ve-Et Beno') and the Commandment to Let the Mother Go from the Nest ('Shilluah Ha-Qen') – Between Mishne Torha and Guide for the Perplexed,", Daat 90 (2021) (forthcoming) (Heb.)
"Halakhic Decision Making in Matters of Belief and Outlook in the Late Modern Period: Fundamental Approaches and Widespread Practices," Jewish Thought 1 (2019), 169‑199 (Heb.)
"Jacob Bachrach's Notes and Glosses to the Guide of the Perplexed and the Commentaries of Narboni and Satanow," JSIJ 15 (2019), 1‑53 (Heb.)
"Did R. Akiva Visit His Home during His 24 Years of Study? Textual Interpretation by Preachers and Moralists and Its Educational Implications," PATHWAYS through AGGADA 14 (2019), pp. 193–214 (Heb.)
Mercy, Medieval Judaism, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol. VIII, Berlin, De Gruyter: 2019
"Messer Leon, David ben Judah | Messer Leon, David ben Judah", Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol. VIII, Berlin, De Gruyter: 2019
"The Study of Secular Knowledge in the Thought of R. Messer David Leon", B.D.D 33 (2018), pp. 31‑58 (Heb.)
"Rabbi David Messer Leon and his scathing attack of Rabbi Issac Abarbanel," Jewish Studies 53 (2018), 170‑207 (Heb.)
"The Thirteen Principles of Faith and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy," Daat 84 (2017), 35‑81 (Heb.)
"Identity of the of the Author of “Tehila LeDavid”, Attributed to David ben Judah Messer Leon", in Dov Schwartz & Gila Prebor (eds.), In the Path of the Hebrew Book: From Sefer Yesira to R. Soloveitchik's Writings [=Alei Sefer 26-27], Ramat Gan 2017, pp. 205‑236 (Heb.).
"The Kabbalistic Structure of the Writings of the Maharal of Prague," Kabbalah, 36 (2017), 261‑301 (Heb.).
"The Uniqueness of the Jewish People as a Principle of Faith", In Pathways of Peace and Wisdom (=Daat 81), Dov Schwarz, Avi Elqayam, Hanoch ben Pazi (eds.), Ramat‑Gan: Bar‑Ilan University Press, 2016, pp. 205‑235 (Heb.)
"Rabbi David ibn Yaḥya's Commentary on Maimonides's Introduction to The Guide for the Perplexed," Kobez Al Yad 24 (2016), 259‑350 (Heb.).
"“Netzach Yisrael” by the Maharal of Prague and the outlook on Redemption of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum from Satmar," Daat 78 (2015), 77‑91 (Heb.).
"A Commentary to Maimonides' The Guide for the Perplexed Attributed to Rabbi David ben Yehuda Messer Leon," Kobez Al Yad, 22 (2014), pp. 201–258 (Heb.)
"Did Maimonides Really “Forget an Explicit Torah Law? The Monetary Value of Human Life in the Laws of Arachin," Hebrew Union College Annual 84–85, (2013–2014), Hebrew Section, pp. קטו-קלו
"Be'er Hagola of the Maharal of Prague: The Name and its meaning," Quntres 4 (2013), 29‑36 (Heb.).
"Dogma, Judaism", Hans-Josef Klauck and others (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR) Vol. IV, Berlin, De Gruyte: 2013, pp. 1063‑1064
"The Discourse on Maimonides’ Principles: Between Continuity and Chang," Alei Sefer 22 (2012), 5‑18 (Heb.)
"The Influence of Ideological Changes on the Declaration of Faith (אני מאמין)," Kenishta 4 (2010), 51‑112 (Heb.).
"Minhat Kena'ot by Rabbi Zeharia ben Moshe Hakohen from Candia (Crete)", Kobez Al Yad, 20 (2010), 125–279 (Heb.).
"An Annotated Bibliography on the Linkage between Maimonides, the Kabbalists, and the Kabbalah," Maimonides and Mysticism, Presented to Moshe Hallamish On the Occasion of his Retirement (=Daat 64‑66), Ramat-Gan 2009, pp. 417–485 (Heb.).
"Maimonides – Between Dogmatism and Liberalism," Daat 60 (2007), pp. 5‑28 (Heb.)
"Ibn Ezra and the Identification of the Town Kadesh: Rabbi Zecharya's Method of Setting Ramban's Criticism if Ibn Ezra," Beit Mikra, 52, 1 (2007), 117–125 (Heb.)
"Commentary on Lamentations (1:1–6) by Rabbi David ben Yehuda Messer Leon," (submitted, under evaluation)
"The Readers' Oath in the Guide to the Perplexed Prologue as a Key to the Treatise," (submitted, under evaluation)
Other Articles
"Treasures of Exile: Don Isaac Abravanel," Segula 21, 3–4 (2014), 16–25
"The Books of the Maharal of Prague in a New Essential Edition," Hama'yan Vol. 52 (2012), 57-62 (Heb.)
"The Books of Maharal in New Edition: Berkowitz Edition 2015," Hama'yan Vol. 56 (2016), 66-78 (Heb.)
"The Case of a person Who signs a Document Which He Has Not Read or Understood: 'Standard Form Contrasts' in Halacha," Mishpetei Eretz IV (2016), 77–88 (Heb.)
"Old Rabbi in the New World", Segula 53 (2014), 54–61 (Heb.)
"'The Third Redemption is Unending' – Response to Criticism," Hama'yan Vol. 52, 1 (2011), 61–65 (Heb.)
"'The Third Redemption is Unending' – In What Sense?," Hama'yan Vol. 51, 3 (2011), 53‑64 (Heb.)
"Someone Who Signs a Deed without Reading it or Understanding it Contents – A Standard Contract in Halacha," Mishpetei Eretz II (2004–2005), 299‑309 (Heb.)
"A Judge's Requirement to Confer with his Colleagues Before Delivering a Verdict," Mishpetei Eretz I (2001–2002), 387–441 (Heb.)
Last Updated Date : 14/03/2024